
Each team has a specific function within the church.  These are as follows:

Pastoral Team - led by Hilary Hurst

The Pastoral Team reflects on and advises upon the pastoral provision within our church. They encourage good support networks for those in need and maintain good links with those who have come into contact with the church. 

The team also organise and promote and oversee such events and activities as promote good pastoral care within the church, including coffee mornings, afternoon teas, Women’s Breakfast and our Toddler Group.

Buildings Team - led by Bob Palmer

The Building Team is responsible for the repairs and maintenance of our buildings.  They advise the PCC of options and make recommendations concerning the upkeep and repairs of our buildings: church, flat and hall.  They organise regular cleaning and maintenance days to keep our buildings in good order.

Stewardship Team - led by Roy Rutter

The Stewardship Team aims to help us think about how we use the resources and gifts that God gives us.        The team helps us to chose which charities to support year by year, how we might fund raise for particular projects  as well as guiding us as we meet our financial responsibilities for the  upkeep of the church and to the wider church.

Outreach Team - led by Anne Hammond

The Outreach Team is constantly reviewing the best ways we can reach people with the love of God and meets regularly to organise events and pray together.