ECO Church
St Saviours Eco Church_________________________________
Over the last few weeks, under the guidance of Reverend Judith, we have been exploring the possibility of registering as an ‘Eco Church’ which is a project run by an organisation called ‘A Rocha UK’. ‘A Rocha UK’ is committed to mobilising Christians to care for nature and encourages us to
Think reflect and inspire
Do a simple task
Do more . . .
The good news is that from previous work undertaken by the Church with Reverend Carol and what we are currently doing, we have already achieved Bronze Award!
So we would now be heading towards Silver !
The PCC has agreed this the group consists of Reverend Judith, Bob Palmer, Pam Collini, Isobel Smith and Trish White and possibly …. you?
We looked at their ECO questionnaire and we have achieved:
GOLD in Worship and Teaching,
BRONZE in Buildings, Land, Community and lifestyle.
The award is given on the lowest criteria, so we are on track, but still have some more work to do.
Some current examples of what we are already doing:
· some cleaning products are environmentally friendly,
· where possible we use fair trade goods,
· we use crockery not disposable ones,
· our energy supplier has been changed,
· we have a bug hotel.
· and some of the toilets have single/ double flushes,
· we have recycle bins.
Other Suggestions: We have lots of ideas of things we could do from bird feeders to water butts, recycling, to talking to our MP – but we’d like your ideas too.
We are also working towards Climate Sunday, 5th September.
The above is by no means exhaustive, and nothing is written in stone, this is currently just a
work in progress.
This is a whole church project; therefore, we want to include ALL of you in this great adventure. If you have any suggestions to throw into the mix, please contact Reverend Judith. Any idea is welcome, so let’s get those green thinking caps on!