
We are a very active church with lots of different activities going on throughout the month.  Here are some of our activities:


Every Thursday between 10.30am and 12noon, the church cafe is open for people to catch up in an informal setting. All are welcome.


We meet each Thursday morning at 10am in church for Morning Prayer.

On the 4th Wednesday in the month we meet for Prayer and Worship in an informal setting, where praise God and listen to his voice. This takes place in The Vicarage, 33 King's Road at 7pm.

Bible study Groups

A Bible study/House Group meets once a month on a Tuesday. Please call Anne or Bob Hammond to join on 01702 475429


Our choir is small but enthusiastic.  You do not need to be a trained opera singer to join - just enthusiastic and keen to help lead our worship.  Click here for more information.

Men's Breakfast

Meets for breakfast on the 2nd Saturday each month with a cooked breakfast and a speaker - for more details contact: Roy Rutter on 01702 713326

Women's Breakfast

Quarterly Saturday breakfast meeting with a speaker.  Check the What's On page for latest dates.  For more information contact Hilary on 01702 345313.

Charitable Activities

St Saviour's supports a number of charities throughout the year.  Our main charitable support is the local Food Bank in Southend. St Saviour's is the venue once a week on a Wednesday for Southend Food Bank.